Annual visitation of
Provincial Grand Lodge of 
Aberdeenshire East

Wednesday March 2, 2005

On this occasion Lodge St. Andrew #518 worked a 2nd. Degree

Candidate - Bro. John Wiseman

Bro. Alfred Davidson & Bro. David Gillies R.W.P.G.M. Bro. Alfred Davidson

is welcomed to Lodge St. Andrew #518 by

R.W.M. Bro. David Gillies

Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge of Aberdeenshire East The Deputation from

Provincial Grand Lodge of Aberdeenshire East

Bro. Davidson + Bro. Wiseman FC + Bro. Gillies R.W.P.G.M Bro. Alfred Davidson

Our newly passed Bro. John Wiseman FC

R.W.M. Bro. David Gillies

Bro. Ian Bain & Bro. David Gilies Also on this night Honorary Life Membership was

bestowed upon P.M. Bro. Ian Bain

(Lodge Ugie #939 / Provincial Grand Chaplain)

Bro. Ian Bain & Bro. Eric Grant It was P.M. Bro. Eric Grant that originally proposed

Bro. Bain for Honorary Membership back in 2001.

...2 RWM's & 4 years later we got him...