I encourage all who come across this page to read the content carefully, then sit back & ponder its content for while.  If it does not give you cause to stop & think then I salute & applaud your character, you are Good Sir what I aspire to be!  Take a good look at yourself,  could you do more, could you be more, are you really what you think you are? Or could you be more?

The candidate

A mason's wife

The Builder

A Mason & A Man

where hiram knelt

Planting a masonic garden

Take my hand; follow me

THe masonic deck of cards

a woman and a fork

Time To Realise


Authors of the above material are credited if known.  The source of the material is credited at the foot of each page.

Out of the thousands of poems & readings that I could reproduce here, I will try to select the few that I hope will inspire the Brother that reads them.

I will as time goes by add to this list, if you see or know of a any such writings please forward them to me. (Click Here)