Lodge St. Andrew #518
E-News - Issue VII
December 12, 2005

Dear Brethren,
Firstly, a warm and cordially welcome to those of you that have recently subscribed to this mailing list, for who this will be the first E-News.  I hope you're not too disappointed.  This sporadic thing I like to call a Newsletter now goes out to 49 Brethren, some of whom are literally spread across the globe.  In view of this I charge you brethren to convey the warm and fraternal greetings from all at St. Andrew #518 to your respective Mother Lodges at your next earliest convenience.

As this will probably be my last E-News of 2005 I would like to take a few moments to summarise a few things regarding our website:
For those of you that have not had the pleasure of visiting our humble Lodge, there is now a page containing a few photographs, of the inside anyway.  The link on the left titled "The Lodge" will take you to the relevant page.  I will add some of the outside of the building, but just now the weather is far too depressingly cold, damp and miserable, and as our Lodge isn't the prettiest building I would rather wait for a nice sunny day, so at least the photograph will have a sunny disposition. 
I would like to thank all the Brethren that have contributed to our "Poetry & Readings", if you haven't yet read them I recommend them as some serious food for thought.  Credits as to the source are given at the foot of each page and authors, where known, are credited at the top.
I would also like to thank all the Brethren that have either signed the Guestbook or stood in our Lodge for their kind words regarding the website.
A debt of gratitude to Bro. Stephen McKim, Octagon Lodge #511 - Indiana, USA - for all the graphics he has created and forwarded to me over the last twelve months, and vastly enriching the content of this site.    And also for the most embarrassing presentation of my life of the two pictures that now grace our East & West walls.
Thank you to Bro. Blake Gardiner, of Helena #3 - Montana, USA - who has provided some excellent solutions to a few problems I've had.
The graphics page on the site has recently been overhauled, and I have a fair amount of graphics that will be added shortly, so I recommend you keep an eye on this page of Bro. McKim's artwork.  Also you might want to check out the links on that page as Bro. McKim & Bro. Gardiner have both been busy updating their respective pages.  Between these three sources of Masonic graphics I'm sure you could find a suitable graphic for any Masonic occasion.
Also I would like to thank Bro. David Cooknell for the photographs that he has taken, that make the pages of the site much more than just an impersonal list of names.

A first for our Lodge was the introduction of the Entered Apprentice Handbook.  Several Brethren have been credited in the book, and copies will be sent out shortly, as a small gesture of gratitude for their input.  Handbook's for the FC & MM degrees will follow in short order.

Congratulations to:
 Bro. Fraser Greig on his Initiation into Freemasonry on November 16, 2005. 
Bro. Andre Russell
Bro. Andre Russell (my brother) who took his first Masonic step December 7, 2005.  Five years and one day later than I took my first step !
Recipient of the first ever EA Handbook.
Just for the record it was Bro. Russell that provided the web space to host our web site in the days before we purchased a domain name and space of our own.
Comp. William Bruce on his election and installation as ME of St. Andrew RA Chapter #146.  (There would be a photo but I never received it - Douglas?)
TIM Comp. Alec Parry
Comp. Alec Parry on his re-election and installation as TIM of Solomon Cryptic Council #38.

Bro. John Southworth
At our last regular meeting P.M. Bro. John Southworth was elected to be RWM for the ensuing 12 months.  I would therefore like to extend an invitation to all on behalf of Bro. Southworth  to attend the installation of the Office Bearers of St. Andrew #518 on Saturday January 7th. 2006 @ 7:00pm.
At this time I don't know who is carrying out the installation.  I will add it to the Events Diary once it becomes known.
Picture taken at P.M. Southworths first installation in 1986.
Bro. Southworth, he's now a bit older, a bit bolder and with a few more grey hairs, but otherwise he hasn't changed too much.

Bro. Ron SimpsonThe long awaited Honorary Members Degree will now take place on December 21, 2005 @ 7:30pm.  In the Chair of King Solomon P.M.Bro. Steven Ross Ron Simpson (Leask #1084).  At present I am not sure of the office bearers. 
On the night Bro. Steven Ross (R) will be raised to the High & Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.

Sadly there is probably much that I have missed out, and several people that I should have credited, for this I apologise.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Yours fraternally,
Bro. Duncan Russell (Webmaster)
Lodge St. Andrew No: 518 on the role of Grand Lodge Of Scotland
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