St. Andrew #518
E-News #IV

Fraternal Greetings Brethren,
Its been a busy time just lately.  The biggest bit of news is that we now have our own webspace, the space we formerly occupied was owned by my brother.  What we originally thought was just going to be a few pages has now grown to the point where, well it was just too big.  So the Lodge dipped into the coffers & paid for our own web hosting.  So now is not just a redirect to somewhere else.  I apologise to anyone that experienced difficulties, whether on the site or email, during the transition period.
The following email address' are all now active:        (That would be me)                     RWM Bro. David Gillies                             PM Bro. Eric Grant                 PM Bro. Davie Hutcheon (response time may be slow due to work commitments)         JD Bro. Dave Cooknell                 (this comes to me as well)
I've added a page regarding photographs to the website due to the increasing amount of request regarding them.
We've also got a page about the Grand Master Mason  

Bro. The Rev'd Canon J J Morrow


There's a few other bits & bobs I've added so drop by & have a look, & please sign the Guestbook.

Although I can take credit for the initial idea & design of both awards, full credit is due to Bro. Dave Cooknell for the finished product.  I'm a fussy customer & rejected quite a few...
St. Andrew 518 Working Tools Masonic Web Award    St. Andrew 518 Website of the Year Award 2005 on behalf of the Lodge thanks Dave.
Which brings me round to more web graphics.  I recently received an email from an American Masonic Webmaster (Bro. Blake Gardiner / Helena Lodge #3 - there's a link on the Award winners/...for this site pages) referring to original Masonic web graphics, now for those of you that don't get out there much original Masonic art is very hard come by, mostly its the same graphics turning up in a variety of scenarios.  So I obligingly gave credit where its due, a couple of days later I received some very original Masonic graphics.  The most notable of which now adorns our INDEX page.  I scaled it down here...
Graphic coutesy of Bro. Steve McKim
...I'm still at a loss as to how to thank Bro. Steve McKim properly.  Anyone interested can find a link to Bro. McKIm's website on our Main Page, just scroll down a bit.  Or you can get his email address from the Guestbook.
Which brings me round nicely to the subject of the Guestbook.  Yes, we have a new one.  All former entries can now be viewed in the Guestbook Archive.  I opted for the new version because it allowed for adding bits & pieces eg/. Lodge Name & No.

I'm sure you'll all join with me in congratulating Bro. Joe Brice on his Installation as RWM of Lodge Ugie #939
RWM of Ugie 939 Bro. Joe Brice on January 26.

Also congratulations to St. Andrew 518's Bro.'s  Hogg & Willox on their being raised to the degree of Fellow Crafts.

On February 5 we were very fortunate to be visited by Lodge Camperdown #317 (Dundee)
Brethren of Camperdown #317 + St. Andrew #518 + other visitors    Tom Nibloe & John Wiseman
when they worked an excellent Entered Apprentice Degree for Mr. John Wiseman.  (Pictured above with his brother-in-law SD Bro. Tom Nibloe of Ugie 939).  Special thanks to Tom for an excellent delivery of the NE Corner & to DM PM John Southworth for doing the 1st Tracing Board with absolutely no notice. 
Further special thanks to Julie Grant (PM E Grants wife) for the catering & Mrs. Duthie (Andrew Duthie's Mother) for providing a vast array of other goodies which were well received & happily digested.  Thank you on behalf all @ 518.

We might be working a Special Degree for a 3rd. Degree at some point in March.  So please check the Events Diary on the site for updates on this & other forthcoming events.
Notify me of your events & I will add them to the Events Diary on the site & promote them in the next 518 E-News.

If I've forgotten anything I apologise & will rectify it as soon as you notify me.
If you do not wish to receive further issues please email me
Yours fraternally,
Bro. Duncan Russell (Webmaster)
Lodge St. Andrew No: 518 on the roll of Grand Lodge Of Scotland